Java, Android Studio, AWS, Firebase Database
Utilized Firebase database to store user information and trails data to enable user to access their data anywhere and anytime;
Implement filters and comparators for user to search and sort trails.
Developed the location based trail recommendation system with the help of GPS locator.
It's a team project and I did the following parts:
Process the trails database, generate trails model.
Provide an API which takes a filter and a comparator and returned the specific trails to the frontend.
Implement the logic of filters and comparators, for the frontend. For example, when should I use the filter for keywords, difficulty, activity or state and when should I compare the distance or the popularity.
The single trail page/activity displays trail's detailed information and users comments to the trail.
login page:
Main page for trail searching, filtering and sorting (searching, filtering and sorting backend logic are implemented by me):
User preference page (backend filtering logic are implemented by me):
Tail information and User comments page (both frontend and backend are implemented by me):